PwC webinar – The New Generation of ESG Risk Assessment Methods

Listen and watch the recording of the PwC webinar with Kaan Aksel, Elizaveta Kondrashova, Nuno Filipe Cordeiro and Evgeni Radilov

The New Generation of ESG Risk Assessment Methods: Regulatory Enforcements and Beyond!

While many institutions have laid the groundwork with basic ESG risk frameworks, there's an increasing demand for advanced methodologies to streamline processes and ensure precise assessment outcomes.

In the PwC webinar light is shed on the progress achieved by EU banks in integrating ESG risks to meet compliance standards and regulatory expectations. We share insights into navigating the dynamic regulatory landscape and effectively managing ESG risks bolstering sustainability and resilience. Compelling Case Studies helps you to learn from real-world examples of ESG risk practices within EU banks, focusing on refining business practices, enhancing risk management, and optimizing reporting.

Our webinar supports you in gaining valuable knowledge to navigate the evolving regulatory landscape, manage ESG risks effectively, and support your institution's sustainability and resilience efforts.

Regulatory Blog_PwC webinar – The New Generation of ESG Risk Assessment Methods.jpg [id=237244]Please click on the image to play the recording of the webinar.

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Christoph Himmelmann

Christoph Himmelmann

Frankfurt am Main

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