COVID 19 Measures - Latest Update

Against the background of a fourth Covid 19 wave in Europe, certain measures, due to expire, have been extended.

German measures

  • According to a decision taken at the video conference between the (still) Federal Chancellor, Angela Merkel, and the heads of government of the Federal States, the Federal Government will extend the Bridging Assistance III Plus -"Überbrückungshilfe III Plus" - (including the restart assistance - "Neustarthilfe") and the regulations on furlough (short-time work - "Kurzarbeit" -) by three months until March 31, 2022 .
  • In addition, the Federal Government will work with the States to develop further measures to support Advent and Christmas Markets particularly affected by Corona protection measures, which will be administered by the States.
  • In addition, reference is made to the continuing possibility for affected trading businesses to apply for assistance within the framework of the Bridging Assistance III Plus plan, in relation to unsellable seasonal goods.

EU measures

  • The European Commission has decided to extend its temporary framework for state aid to support the economy, which would have originally expired on December 31, 2021, until June 30, 2022
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