Commission approves additional German measures to support renewable electricity production

The European Commission has approved, under EU State aid rules, three additional measures to support electricity production from renewable energy sources in Germany. The additional measures supplement the German Renewable Energy Act (“Erneuerbare Energien Gesetz” – ‘EEG 2021') and will further contribute to achieving Germany's environmental targets and the EU's strategic objectives relating to the EU Green Deal.

Germany notified the Commission of its plans to adopt three additional measures in the context of its EEG 2021 support scheme approved by the Commission in April 2021 (SA.57779). The EEG 2021 scheme aims at increasing climate protection and expanding renewable energies. With the three additional measures, Germany is committing to more market-oriented mechanisms for supporting green electricity production, offering tailored measures for different renewable energy sources.

The three additional measures are:

  • A change from a fixed to a sliding market premium in the payment structure for innovation tenders
  • The introduction of financial incentives for consumers to invest in small rooftop solar photovoltaic installations
  • One additional round of ground-based and rooftop solar photovoltaic tenders in 2022

More on this and about the Commission's assessment to be found here.


European Commission, press release of 27 September 2022.

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