CRR III Academy Training 2024
Frankfurt, 14. & 15. March 2024
As the banking sector anticipates the official release of the final legislative texts for the Basel IV integration into European law via CRR III the long awaited reshape of the financial regulatory framework is now imminent. However, the new CRR III is not just another regulatory requirement; EU-specific calibrations taking into account the European banking landscape, proportionality thresholds and many details around risk measurements in all its facets have added layers of complexity and will have a significant impact on the capital requirements and the necessary transformation efforts.
With the timeline for a 2025 European implementation is set, it is essential to analyse now all the details of the CRR III regulatory framework. It is important for banks to not only understand all the details of the upcoming changes, but to proactively shape their future in this evolving landscape. In light of these major regulatory reforms and the related stringent capital requirements, risk management considerations and enhanced reporting requirements banks need to reevaluate their strategies, because CRR III will not only influence how banks and other financial entities operate but also how they communicate with stakeholders and make business decisions.
And this is where our training comes in: our risk and regulation experts will be on hand to shed light on all the new requirements around the new standardised approach to credit risk, IRBA, the output floor, operational risk, market risk, CVA, reporting, ESG, back-office work and restructuring.
Alongside input from our experts, you‘ll be able to examine some practical case studies and discuss the issues with other attendees, giving you comprehensive and comprehensible insights. We‘ll also be covering the effects of the upcoming changes on various business models, and we‘ll show you how best to manage your capital when implementing the new rules.
More information on charges and registration at:
We look forward to seeing you!
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